The ensemble comedy is an intricate web of interconnected relationships between a group of six New Yorkers, all different ages and from different socio-economic backgrounds. Inspired by the storytelling style of “La Ronde,” “Sidewalks of New York” connects each of these characters through their love lives and sexual relationships.
This $1 million budgeted pseudo-documentary had its world premiere at the 2001 Toronto International Film Festival.
"Make no mistake, [Burn's] damn good at his singular craft, adept at building and oiling this particular machine. And it runs as smoothly as ever -- the plentiful laughs arrive right on cue, as do the occasional moments of near-poignancy."
~ Rick Groen, Globe and Mail"Sidewalks of New York is a love letter to a city and a populace that deserve it."
~ Richard Roeper, Ebert & Roeper"Reminds us, deep down, of why we love New York -- and a lot of people in it."
~ Michael Wilmington, The Chicago Tribune"Its New York flavor and energies are the real thing, and it grows on you."
~ Jay Carr, The Boston Globe